Caring for Your Nightguard

Patient Instructions: Caring for Your Nightguard 

Your new nightguard is a custom appliance made just for you. With proper care, it can last you years.

Daily recommendations to help your nightguard last, perform properly and remain free of bacteria

− ALWAYS store your nightguard in water when it is not in your mouth.

− Wear your nightguard every night as prescribed by your dentist. Not wearing your nightguard may lead to your teeth chipping, breaking or your nightguard not fitting properly.

− Floss and brush your teeth each time before wearing your nightguard. Food trapped in and on your teeth may not let your nightguard seat properly and break or chip your appliance.

− After wearing your nightguard, always soak it for 15 minutes in a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. The solution will soften the calculus/tartar that may be deposited on it. Always brush the appliance with your toothbrush and toothpaste, rinse and store in water until the next use.

− Once a week you may use a non-abrasive cleanser following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Always use the cleanser outside of the mouth and thoroughly rinse the nightguard before placing it in your mouth.

− Visually check your appliance for any chips or cracks before placing it in your mouth. If the nightguard is damaged, see your dentist as soon as possible to have it repaired or replaced.

Yearly recommendations 

− Bring your nightguard with you during your recare visit yearly. Your dentist will continue to re-evaluate it.

Do Not

− Use any abrasive cleansers, this may damage the nightguard.

− Use any cleaners containing alcohol, this can discolor and weaken the nightguard.

− Use water hotter than you would wash your hands with, this may warp the nightguard.

− Force your nightguard to place by biting it. Doing this may chip or break the appliance requiring a new one to be made. See your dentist as soon as possible to have the fit of the nightguard checked.



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